How It Works

Digital Radiography uses a computerized system with an imaging plate that contains photostimulable (light-stimulated) storage phosphors. These phosphors detect and store energy from the x-rays that strike the cassette. When bones and other tissue are placed between the plate and the x-rays, they block the x-rays, allowing an image of those bones to be captured. The image is processed within the plate/cassette and is directly set to the computer for review.

The digitized image can be viewed and enhanced, allowing the interpreter to manipulate the radiograph’s contrast and brightness, zoom in, pan, and take measurements. The images are stored using specific criteria for medical images (called DICOM), which provide a secure file that is very difficult to alter.

This allows the vets at SEVS to evaluate changes in bones from teeth to feet, and when used in conjunction with ultrasound can help pinpoint a comprehensive cause of lamenesses and other disease processes.